Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Commit Thy Works

Proverbs 16.3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Have you committed your works to the Lord?  Do you know what the Lord wants you to do for him?  Are you obeying his voice to accomplish the task he has for you?

This is something I feel I struggle with.  I ask the Lord to speak to me, to show me what he would have me to do.  But so many times I allow other things, other people, other responsibilities to interfere.  I allow the devil to distract me from following through with what the Lord wants me to do.

But what about those who are called to preach the word of God?  They don't get to sit down and refuse to work and obey God.  But guess what?  We don't have that option either.

We can read the Bible, listen to preachers on TV, study our Sunday School lesson, go to Church, etc. These are good.  We need to know more about the Lord.  He wants to show us his love, what is on his heart.  He wants to bless his people.  But doing all these things but not sharing with others is disobeying the Lord.  It's the same thing with our parents when we were little.  They told us to do this chore that chore.  We put off accomplishing the task.  We tell our parents in a little while.  That's disobedience.

The Lord doesn't stop pricking your heart.  He keeps nudging, speaking, until finally, you sit down, stop asking everyone else what they think, and simply listen to God. 

All of us have a work to do until Jesus returns to this earth.  And it won't be long.  Time is so short.  We need to get God's word out to the masses.  We need to let them know that it's time to repent.  That's it's time to turn to Jesus and repent of our sins.  If we wait till he returns, then it'll be too late.

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