Thursday, May 9, 2019

Open Doors

A very simple example of an open door is when you walk through an opened door in your house.  When you walk through, you're going somewhere, whether it be to the store or into your home.  But there are what Christians call open doors from the Lord.

There are times when we miss those open doors.  For some reason family will block that door in an effort to protect you.  We often go through doors that the devil has opened and we end up with many sorrows in our lives.  Also, we don't go
through the doors God opens because of fear, pride, self-will.

Let me tell you a story from my life.  Years ago, I wanted so much to go into Southern Gospel Music professionally.  For one reason or another, it never happened.  I was trying so hard to obey the Lord.  Unfortunately, I went through a lifetime of discouragement, depression, and a defeated Christian.  Even though I continued to serve the Lord, the devil kept me from enjoying my life in Christ.

Recently, after losing my job last year, I became serious about writing, a gift that I was unaware the Lord had given me.  I had written different stories, poems, songs, etc. over the years. But once I became serious about writing, I realized God had given me the gift.  I began this blog.  As I remained faithful to write the blog each week, I also worked on trying to write a book.  I wanted to write about my trials in my life, but for now, that was mostly a time of healing.

The Lord allowed me to publish a children's book a couple months ago.  Currently working on another book.  And now, two days ago, He opened the door for me to put the children's book in a small space in a mini mall that recently opened in town.  I tried to walk through the door, and the door remained opened. 

The Lord is absolutely amazing.  What He can do in our lives if we give everything to Him, place it all in His hands, is so wonderful.  To know the peace in your life when you allow God to work in your life is hard to put into words. 

I want to ask you something.  Are you living for Christ? Are you allowing Him control, to use you in His service?  If not, I invite you to give your whole heart to Christ.  Learn His Word.  Take the gifts, talents, abilities, and skills He has given you and use them for Him.  You will never regret this decision.

If like me, you failed to walk through those doors for whatever reason, there is still time to be used by the Lord.  Just let Him have complete control of your life.