Monday, March 18, 2019

Giving Up

There are many reasons people give up on something.  They give up trying to encourage someone who has already given up themselves. 

Giving up spiritually isn't all that it's cracked up to be.  After all, you're allowing the devil to have victory over you and your life. I have been there.  And it's been a very long struggle and battle to allow God to have victory in my life.  The Lord has victory in your life when you get 
saved.  But there's a time of learning, growing in the Lord. 

When I gave up, I was very discouraged at the time.  It seemed that the Lord had left me to figure things out for myself.  But that was a lie from the devil.  I have never forgotten the time when I gave up.  I never stopped serving God.  I continued to spend time alone with Him.  But I no longer trusted Him to meet my needs.  I didn't trust Him to know what was best for me.  In reality, I was a defeated Christian.

It has been a long, hard battle to let go of things and put my complete trust in the Lord.  To trust Him to keep me safe.  To trust Him to know what's best for my future.  To know His will for my life.  I have been depressed and anxious for a number of years.  But each time I allow God to have control over my life, the devil, of course, fights tooth and nail.  He isn't willing to let go very easily.  The more I allow God to rule over my heart and life, the stronger I become as a Christian. 

If you're a Christian who has given up spiritually, please ask the Lord to give you the strength and courage to let Him have control in your life.  He will meet your need, whatever it may be.  If you're lost, do give your heart and life to Christ.  You will never regret turning to Jesus.  For one day, very soon, Christ is going to break through the clouds and call His children home to live with Him forever.