Monday, March 25, 2019

Difficult Times

Going through difficult times, it's hard to see what's ahead of you.  We don't know what the future holds for us, but God alone sees and knows the future. The Bible teaches that we'll be tested throughout life.  The reason is to make us stronger in the Lord.  To learn to lean completely, without wavering, on him.

Many times we have the desire to serve Christ.  But we don't have all the facts.  It is up to us to ask questions, to seek counsel from our pastor, our parents, or other solid Christian friend.  If we don't ask questions, then we fail to know God's will for our lives. Learning the answers is sometimes a life long trial.  The Lord knows what we're capable of doing for him.  He gives us the talents, skills, and abilities to use for his glory, honor, and praise. 

If we're determined to go our own way, he will let us.  He won't force his will on our lives.  We have the option of free will.  We can choose to obey or disobey the Lord.  We can choose to be saved, or not be saved.  He won't knock us up side the head and make us choose his will for our lives.  But he will speak to us in a still small voice.  He will place wonderful Christians friends within our lives to help guide us along the way.  It's still up to us to ask the questions, to study the Bible and learn what God wants us to do.   

Understanding why bad things happen to us is difficult.  When we go through these trials, it's to make us stronger children of God.  For if our lives were always smooth sailing, we'd never know what we are made of within our character.  We'd never know what it's like to lean on the Lord. 

The devil wants us to believe that we're being punished for our sins when things are going rough.    When we spend our lives living for the devil, the Lord can use bad things in our lives to get our attention.  I have heard preachers tell how they ran from God's command to be a pastor, to preach the word of God, only to end up flat on their backs, unable to move.  Now he has your attention. 

It is far better to go ahead and accept his will for our lives.  To obey him from the start.  There's no waiting till you get your life straightened out.  There's no waiting until your life is in order.  We'll never have our lives straightened out or in order untill we give our hearts to Christ.  Like a potter takes a piece of pottery that's broken and makes whole again, so when we get saved, Christ takes us and molds us for his glory.