Monday, April 1, 2019

Who Needs Computers?

Computers.  Who needs them anyway?  Those of us who have a computer think we need the computer.  And whatever you do, don't let that computer have any problems.  Otherwise, we don't know how to act.  We think we can't do anything without a computer.

I'm just as guilty as others with computers.  You need the personal desktop computer to pay your bills.  The tablet is necessary for Church because that's where your online Bible is and you don't want to take an actual paper Bible.  Then there's the cell phone. Why make phone calls when you can just text someone instead of actually talking to them.
Recently, I saw something on facebook that asked what would happen if we carried our Bibles everywhere with us like we do our cell phones.  Guess what?  I'm just as guilty as the next person.  I've been having problems with my desktop computer.  I did everything I knew to do, which I really don't know a whole lot to begin with.  Couldn't get in touch with the person I needed to fix the computer.  So I tried someone new.  I still didn't feel like it was completely fixed.  So on to another person.  It was better, but there were still some problems.  So I called my internet provider.  They talked me through a couple avenues, checked my internet speed, had me do a couple things.  Guess what?  The computer has been fixed.

So here's my question.  Why don't we go to Jesus when we are facing problems within our lives?  Why do we try to fix them ourselves, only to find ourselves in a more serious situation?  We as Christians say we trust the Lord, but we don't turn to Him to meet our needs.  Our Father in Heaven loves us and wants the best for us.  He alone knows our needs.  He alone has the answers and able to meet those needs.

We agree we need the Lord in our lives, but we treat Him as our last resort.  "Well, I know how to handle this." But then after everything we have done fails, we ask God for help.  We ask Him to pick up the pieces.  He died on the cross for our sins.  He rose from the grave so we could have the gift of eternal life.  If you don't know Him as your personal Lord and Savior, then please give your heart to Him.  

If you're a Christian, and like me, tend to try to handle things yourself, let's decide right now to meet with Jesus at the beginning of a situation and ask Him for the answers.