Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Little Indiscretions

We know that lying is a sin.  We know that stealing, killing, gossiping, are sins.  But why do we as Christians commit these 'indiscretions'?  You're probably thinking, "I don't do those sins.  I'm a Christian."

Let's clarify a little.  Here's a scenario.  You walk into Church.  Seeing a woman with what you consider to be the ugliest dress on in town.  As you speak to her, "Oh, what a lovely dress you have on.  I just love it." 
You're thinking;  what else am I supposed to say?  Well, hum.  Maybe the shoes are what's so pretty.

Getting ready to leave work, you're picking things up off your desk.  You're in a hurry to leave.  "Oh yeah, I forgot to make a copy of that story.  It'll only take a couple sheets of paper."

Or how about this.  Did you know that he was seen with some strange woman?  We really need to pray for that family.  They're having problems in their marriage."

Even I have done these things.  You don't want to hurt someone's feelings, you're planning to replace that copy paper with some from home.  You're truly concerned about that man with the strange woman and want your friend to help you pray.  We always find ways to excuse ourselves.  But do we ever ask the Lord to forgive us?

I can't say anything about someone else.  I only know that not only have I seen these things happen, I've been guilty of the same thing.  So not only do I need to apologize to that person, but I need to ask God's forgiveness.  How can we show Christ's love, salvation, gift of life, if we ourselves need to make spiritual changes in our own lives?

Let's first repent of our sins, then truly pray for others.  And watch about how or what we say or do.  For no one is perfect.  If we truly ask forgiveness, Christ will forgive us.