Monday, April 15, 2019

Your First Love

When is the last time you poured your heart out to the Lord?  That you cried out for mercy on behalf of others? On behalf of our nation?  Our world? 

I'm just as guilty as everyone else of running through a prayer and scripture reading.  But that isn't what the Lord wants from us. 

He wants us to humble ourselves, to be prayer warriors on behalf of others.  There are those who do shed tears for their family, loved ones,
friends, and Church.  But not only do we mumble a prayer, quickly read through a verse or two, but we fail to put Christ first in our lives.

In Revelation, the Apostle John wrote some letters to several Churches.  In these letters, according to what the Lord was revealing to him, the praise as well as the sins were given to each Church.  These letters continue to speak to us today.  We're told to put away our sins, to put Christ first in our hearts and lives.  To return to our first love in Christ. 

So many times we go through life telling people we're Christians, but secretly, we hate, backbite, destroy the ministries of others.  Unfortunately, and sadly, Christians today are acting more like the world.  We don't care enough to check on someone we know are going through hard times; sickness, financial burdens, mental and emotional burdens, loneliness, and so many other burdens.

We, as Christians, have loved ones who are dying and going to hell.  But do we really go to the throne of God and beg for mercy for our loved ones who are lost?  Are we truly pleading on behalf of our country, who has abandoned the Lord?  Are we pleading on behalf of Israel, who is surrounded by her enemies?

We need to return to our first love in Christ. We need to go back to the cross and ask forgiveness of our sins.  This week, we are celebrating Easter.  Unfortunately, the world is focusing on the Easter bunny, profits.  We need to remember the true meaning of Easter.

It's simple.  Christ died on the cross, was buried, and three days later, rose from the grave.  He didn't have to go through that, but he did because of His love for us.  Please, if you are not saved, do give your heart and life to Christ today.  For it will be an Easter celebration that will never be forgotten.