Monday, April 29, 2019

Fulfilling A Task

Sometimes I find it difficult to write each week.  There are times when I don't feel like writing for one reason or another.  I'm sure there are times when you yourself find it difficult to perform the duties of your job as well.  Why do we have these difficulties?

For one thing, we're human.  We may just simply not want to do anything, we don't feel well physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  The devil may even be hindering us from fulfilling our responsibilities.

As writers, we have what is called a writing block.  It seems that there is nothing there to write, or it's there but we just can't seem to bring it to the forefront.  But one thing is for sure.  Regardless of whether or not we aren't fulfilling our responsibilities for whatever reason, you can be sure if what you're doing is for the Lord, the devil will do all he can to stop you from obeying the Lord.

For myself, I've had some personal things on my mind.  But that doesn't mean I get to stop putting the Word of God out to the public. What it does mean is that I have to rely more fully on Christ to help me complete the task at hand.

Please remember that when God calls you to do something, he will give you what you need to finish what you have started for Him.  If you don't know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, give your heart to Jesus right now.  Then whatever He tells you to do, make sure you depend on Him for the assistance you need to perform the job He has given you.  For He is the one person who'll never let you down.