Monday, July 30, 2018


There is so much information about the Lord, it cannot be contained in one book.  There are so many questions, and though we may try to learn all there is about the Bible, about God, it would only be a drop in a bucket.  But one day in Heaven, we'll have all our questions answered by God.

I have tried to visualize in my mind's eye what the earth , the world looked like before creation.  The earth had no form, it was void, and empty.  Nothing but water and darkness.  Can you imagine that?  It's just as hard to picture earth before creation as it is to see Heaven in your mind.  There's just no way to envision something that no one has ever seen.  But just suppose someone showed you a picture of the earth or even Heaven.  We still couldn't visualize in our mind deep the vibrant colors of either place. 

There's no beginning or ending to God.  He wasn't created, but he created everything and everyone.  He has always been.  Now that will blow your mind.  He was just there.  It is so hard to fathom something we have never known. 

So how did God set up everything.  Did he speak the word?  Did he throw everything out into space as some people have depicted in the past?  Or did he just set each item carefully in a certain spot?  We don't know.  He could have brought into being the earth, sky, or heaven in either of these fashions.  Or he could've thought the earth into the shape it is today.  The Lord can do anything but sin.  So it won't do to limit his abilities to create.  He even brought into existence the angels and the devil. 

When he made the earth, it was done with such beauty.  The trees, flowers, animals, plants, fruit, everything was perfect.  He set up the most beautiful garden to be enjoyed by his creation.  Then he designed the animals, and humans.  Now I know I don't quite have this in order, but the point is that when God made this earth, it was to be enjoyed. 
You see, the angels worshipped him.  And they had things to do.  But with the knowledge of what would happen in the future, he created human beings with the ability to choose to worship him.  He knew Adam and Eve would sin.  He knew Jesus would die on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for us. 

So when I try to imagine the beauty of the Garden of Eden, Heaven and the angels, and most especially the Lord, it's hard to comprehend.  No matter how hard authors may try to describe Heaven; no matter how hard artists may try to paint the most beautiful picture of the Garden of Eden; it pales in the beauty we'll see when we get to Heaven.

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