Monday, January 28, 2019

The Light

When growing up, my Church used to sing the song, "The Light of the World is Jesus".  Last night I had a dream.  I was standing by a road.  Across the road was a light shining into the woods, as though I was pointing a flashlight toward the woods.  The part I was able to see was where the light was beaming.  But everything outside the light was dark.

When we look at the sin, violence, lying, etc., we're looking at the darkness which Satan has caused in this world.  What we're currently
seeing in our nation, as well as the whole world, is the deception, crime, hatred, as well as other things.  The world has been blinded by the prince of darkness.  And the Light is slowly going away.

Unless we as Christians shine the light of Jesus.  He is our hope, the gift of life.  He died on the cross so we could have eternal life.  But we have to do our part.  We have to tell others about Christ, how he was crucified, buried, and rose from the grave.  He was, and is victorious over sin and the grave.  And one day soon, He's coming back to take us home to Heaven to live forever with Him.

If you are lost, give your heart to Jesus.  All you have to do is admit you're a sinner.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  And confess your sins to Him.  Ask Him to forgive you of your sins.  You will never regret the day you make this decision.

He'll be with you through thick and thin.  You'll receive peace and joy when you accept Him into your heart.  Trust Him before it's too late.  And let His light shine through you.