Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Wandering Heart

Has your heart ever wandered from God? Mine has. My heart has been crying out to the Lord. Wondering why I haven't been healed. Why I feel so lethargic. I have been running from the Lord. I have been disobeying the Lord for several years. I allowed Satan to have victory over me. Not anymore.
When you allow someone to be used to hinder your ministry, you're in effect allowing the devil to have victory in your life. Your Christian life has become a heap of rubble. And when you stand before the Lord, you will have to give an answer as to why you disobeyed the Lord. 

There is nothing you can say. For there are no excuses. All you can do is hang you head in shame. Including me. 

I was crying out to God this morning, wondering why I felt so bad physically. Why I had no strength to do the chores needed around the house. Because I feel so bad, I used it as an excuse to not write or sing specials at Church. 

Then he reminded me of a dear elderly saint on social media who cries for interceding prayers each day. Prayers for healing, strength, and mercy. Prayers to help her obey the Lord with her writing. She isn't the only Christian saint who struggles on a daily basis. There are many pastors and missionaries around the world who struggle with physical diseases. They continue to go about doing the Lord's work in spite of their physical problems.

A local pastor recently passed away with Covid. His family and Church are heartbroken. He obeyed the Lord when he was called to preach. By many accounts, people would think that his disability should've kept him from preaching, driving, and performing many other activities. You know what his disability was? He didn't have any arms. 

So, if these two people can continue to obey the Lord through their illnesses and disabilities, then we can follow their example and obey the Lord as well.

If you're not saved, please give your heart to the Lord. He has something for you to do. If you're saved but not following the Lord's will for your life, then please repent and do what he has called you to do. You will never regret getting saved or obeying the Lord.

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