Friday, April 27, 2018

Pity Parties

Pity parties. Have you ever been there? All of us at one time or another have sat down and had a pity party.  After all, who else will have any pity on us?  Maybe our family/friends for a short period of time. But after while, they get tired of listening to the same old same old. They change the subject or just stop coming around. 

My mother used to say to allow yourself a certain amount of time for your pity party and then get up and do something. Clean house, go walking, read the Bible, pray, but get up and do something.  Of course my father used to say get up and do something, even if it's wrong. We won't get into right now.

The point is that I have been on a huge pity party.  Woe is me.  I have no job. I'm not writing. Well, it's time to get up and do something.  So I am getting up and working on this blog again and the rest of my writing.

You hear quite often that God will give you what you need to do something.  But guess what? He won't do it for you. Yes he'll give you the strength, courage, and ability to do what needs to be done. And he'll give you what is needed to learn skills to obey him.  But we have to do our part.  Although he could, God isn't going to pick you up, set you down in a location and do the work for you.  But he will give you the motivation, strength, and determination to do what needs to be done.

Christ could've sat down and had a pity party his whole life about his going to the cross.  After all he came to earth as a human being, a little baby, for the purpose to die on the cross.  The Bible says Jesus was subject to like passions.  So he obeyed his parents. He was taught the scripture and went to the synagogue to worship.  He was tempted by the devil.  And yes, as a human being, he didn't want to die.  But he was obedient to his Father, "until death."

So what does that tell us?  That we, as humans have weaknesses; we get tired and lonely.  We feel forsaken.  But God.  I love that. But God, gives us what we need to obey him and resist temptation when we lean on him. But God. We'd still be sitting, having a pity party.  But God. We'd be lost and headed for hell with no opportunity for salvation. 

So what can we do? Give our hearts and lives to Jesus and obey him in everything he commands us to do.  Yes he will save us from our sins, but we have to come to him and ask for forgiveness of our sins. Won't you do that right now?

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