Thursday, May 3, 2018

Singing The Verses Of The Bible

Psalms 37:3-5 
3. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou  dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be
4. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Last night I watched a Christian program called "It's Supernatural". Sid Roth is the host.  There are times when he has good programs.

The guest was Julie Meyer. Never heard of her. But the program was interesting and something I had never thought about.  Over the years we have read the Bible, quote scriptures, preach and teach what we have learned.  One thing I realize we may overlook is the fact the Jews would 'sing' the scriptures. We have all heard different ones on TV sing the scriptures. Julie Meyer has a ministry of teaching people to sing the scriptures.

To be honest, I had never thought about singing the scripture.  Those who know me, are aware I have been struggling spiritually for a while.  As I was praying, I started out praising the Lord.  Barely felt his presence.  Turned to Psalms 37:3-5 and read.  Still nothing. Please don't get me wrong.  I know we don't go by feeling. But I have learned that you can feel the Holy Spirit. Cool breeze. Like someone is right there with you.  And it's wonderful to feel his presence.

Well, I decided to 'sing' these verses out loud. Wow! The more I sang, the stronger his presence. I haven't felt good physically, mentally, or spiritually.  Haven't had the desire to work on this blog which the Lord gave me. Struggling to write a book.  Struggling in so many ways.  But praise the Lord, for the first time in a while, the Lord placed this on my heart, and gave me the need to put the experience on page.  I know the Bible is alive, but for the first time in a while, I could sense the Living Word.  It was alive.  Isn't that wonderful?

Through this experience, I think I learned why the Jews sing the scriptures.  A load has been lifted from my shoulders.  I don't consider myself an expert, but I try to write what I believe the Lord would have me put on paper

I would like to encourage anyone who is struggling to find a scripture.  The woman last night said to sing it as a prayer. Put your name in the scripture.  Now she talked about people being healed. I don't doubt the Lord can heal. And I'm not saying he will heal when you sing the scripture. It should be God's will, not ours. But to know his presence stronger in our hearts and lives is enough for me to encourage you to try it for yourselves.

As always, I wish for those who are struggling to give your load to Christ. And don't take it back. Years ago, when I taught the Junior class in Sunday School, I tried to teach them to give everything to Christ. I told them it was easy to give your burdens to the Lord.  And it is easy.  We make it hard by taking the burdens from him.  When we take those burdens back, we're telling God we don't trust him enough to carry them for us. 
If you are lost, I hope in some way the Lord will use this blog to draw you to him.  And Christian, my prayer is the Lord will use the blog to give you the encouragement you need for today.

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