Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Commit To Christ

There's a song titled "You Can't Do Wrong And Get By"  As I look at the signs during the end times, it's amazing and sad that so many people who once served the Lord think they can live for the devil and still serve God.  Not so.  The Bible says that we can't serve 2 masters.

The devil is doing everything in his power to pull people away from the truth.  Including Christians.  Times are getting harder.  We're living in the end times.  And Christ is on his way back to take his children home to be with him.  We need to be ready, cause it could happen at any time.  Nothing has to happen prophetically for Jesus to come back.  Everything is gearing up not only for the rapture but also for the tribulation.

There's so many Christians who are turning away from Christ.  They're turning their back on him.  They seem to think they can serve God and live like the world.  They claim that God hates people.  That isn't true.  God loves each and every person.  It's our sin that he hates.  He died on the cross so you and I can have eternal life.  Yes we make mistakes.  The devil knows how to use  our weaknesses against us.

He knows he can use my physical and mental issues to keep me from serving the Lord.  It takes prayer and determination to continue.  The more we stay in God's word, the closer we get to him.  The closer we get to Christ, the harder it is for the devil to deceive us.  The devil has always deceived others.  It started with Eve in the Garden of Eden.  And he continues to deceive people all over the world.

Let's determine within our hearts to live close to God.  Let's determine to study his word daily. To pray without ceasing.  Give Christ control of your heart.  Resist the devil.  Give your heart and life to Christ.  You will never regret this decision.  For God is a loving God.  He's all powerful, all knowing, and he's everywhere.  He sees and hears everything.  There's no way to hide from God.

Either you are a Christian or you're not.  You can't sit on the fence in a spiritual sense of the word.  You may be tempted, and you may struggle with sin. Temptation isn't a sin. Christ was tempted by Satan, and yet, he didn't sin.  Christ is the only person without sin. Giving in to it is sin.  If you struggle with something, pray.  Ask your pastor or close Christian friend to pray with you.  What do you have to lose?  Eternal life in Heaven with Christ.

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