Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Standing In The Gap

Esther 4:14   For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

I have always loved this verse.  I always thought maybe I was placed in various positions to stand in the gap for Jesus.  In this chapter, Mordecai has learned that Haman plans to destroy the Jews because they refused to honor him.  They refused to bow down to him.  In the book of Daniel, we see Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to bow down to the king's statue.  In each case, they were to bow down and worship another god.

Many times today, we are called on to bow down to other gods; celebrities, rich people, monuments.  We're told God doesn't exist, that he's one of many gods.  But how many times have we've been in a place where we could stand in the gap of Christians being persecuted?  How many times have we been in the position to speak out against sin?  But I didn't say anything.  Back then, I didn't have a whole lot of self-confidence, and very shy.  I wasn't one to speak up in class unless the instructor called on me to answer a question.  So I didn't say anything.  I have always regretted that moment.

In this verse, Esther has the opportunity to go to the king and speak up on behalf of her people.  They were about to be destroyed by an evil man.  Esther hesitated.  But her cousin, Mordecai, reminded her the Lord had possibly placed her in this position in the king's household.  The only way for her to go and talk to the king was if he called for her to go into his presence.  That hadn't happened in 30 days.  Mordecai then reminds her that she may be in this position to speak out against the evil plot to destroy her people.

So she, Mordecai, and the Jewish people began praying for Esther to find favor in the king's eyes.  The Lord heard their prayers.  Not only were the Jews spared the evil plot, but Haman and his household were killed in the same way he had planned on killing the Jews: hanging on  a gallows.

Today, there are evil men, and countries trying to destroy the Jews.  They have been deceived by Satan, who wants to take over the world.  He is the enemy not only to the Jews but also to every Christian man, woman, and child who dares trust in Jesus.  We are experiencing a spiritual battle that will result in Satan being destroyed.

Has God called you to stand in the gap for someone? Is he calling to pray, or go to another country to preach the word?  Always remember to listen to the Lord's still small voice as he directs your path.  If you need salvation, please, give your heart to God.  He's calling you not only to him but also to a ministry for the purpose to stand in the gap for him.

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