Wednesday, August 22, 2018


I have something I wish to discuss today.  My heart is heavy for, not only our nation, but for Israel.  We are living during the end times.  Christ is coming back, and we must be ready for the rapture.  Nothing has to happen for the rapture to take place.  And it could happen at any time.

I read something disturbing this morning.  Due to lack of confirmation, I won't say what is going on.  But I will say that if our nation turns away from Israel, then we will be judged by God.  Indeed, we're already in judgment due to the sins of our country.  We have turned our backs on God.  We have slapped Him in the face.

Over the years, we have kicked our Lord out of our schools, homes, Churches, government, and lives.  Those whom we have the confidence they will not turn away from the truth are failing.  We look at their lives, we watch, and we see them placating their congregations.  They refuse to preach against sin because they will lose their members.  People, we need, including myself, to bow down and ask forgiveness for the sins of our country. We need to ask forgiveness of our own sins.

Another thing is that if what I saw this morning is true, then Israel will be divided once again.  The last President to divide Israel brought judgment on our nation.  Do you remember Katrina? How about Sandy in New England?  The last hurricane to go through was Matthew in 2016.  Remember the sinister face in the hurricane?

There are so many disasters coming on the earth, not just our nation.  Katrina was allowed to hit New Orleans because President Bush caused the land of Israel to be divided.  Like Israel in ancient times, our nation has left God.  We've turned our backs on God.  But there is one thing we need to remember.

Pray for the safety of Israel.  For you see, she is God's chosen people.  And whoever blesses Israel will be blessed.  But, whoever curses Israel, will be cursed.  Christians, we can't go back to sleep.  We can't stop praying and living for the Lord.  And those who are lost, please give your hearts and lives to Christ.  You really don't won't to go through the tribulation.  You think things are bad now, the tribulation will be even worse.  We haven't seen anything yet. 

Let's get out and tell the world about the hope we can only have in Jesus.

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