Monday, August 20, 2018

The Last Days

Fireball Fire Brand Armageddon Explosion BDid you know we are living in the last days?  Did you know that time is running short?  Christ is coming back at any time.  We need to be ready for his return.  No one wants to be left behind.  If you don't make it to heaven and you go through the tribulation, you will go through the absolute worst time on earth.

The earth was destroyed once before by a world wide flood.  Only 8 people were saved in that disaster.  But the Lord placed a rainbow in the sky as a promise that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood.  But it will be destroyed by fire. 

You see, during the tribulation, God's wrath will fall on this earth.  Those who refused to accept him into their hearts will be hunted down and forced to make a choice: Christ, or the antichrist.  If you choose the antichrist, you will be destroyed along with him.  But if you choose Christ, you'll be saved.

Not too many years ago, ISIS was terrorizing the world.  They were cutting off the heads of anyone who dared to stand up against them.  Though we don't hear as much of that now, it's still going on in other parts of the world.  During the tribulation, you'lll have to make a choice.  If you choose to take the mark of the beast, you will die and go to hell.  If you choose Jesus, you will go to heaven.  It's that simple.

Did you know it's that simple now?  Christ died on the cross so everyone would have the hope of eternal life.  The battle we face now is between the Lord and Satan.  And Satan wants to destroy anyone who belongs to God.  He twists the truth around in order to deceive you. He'll make you believe that God hates you.  That is the furtherest thing from the truth.

Christ didn't have to die on the cross.  He didn't have to give his life for ours.  But he did so because he loves us.  And we don't have to do anything but come to him. All we have to do is accept him into our hearts and lives. Won't you come to him?

All you have to do is ask his forgiveness.  Believe he's the Savior, and confess your sins to him.  That simple.

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