Monday, August 13, 2018

The Call of God

Have you ever been called by God? Has the Lord anointed you for a ministry of some type?  There are many Christians who struggle through life, wondering what the Lord wants them to do.  Most preachers are absolutely positive of their call into the ministry.

There are other ministries besides preaching the Word.  Yes, all of us are to tell others about Jesus and the wonderful gift of salvation.  I'm learning there are different avenues in which we can serve the Lord.  But we're using the many gifts, skills, and abilities he's given us to use in his service.

For years I have used my gift of exhortation, or encouragement, through music.  Ever since the age of 12, I have been playing piano for Church, singing specials, teaching Sunday School, and writing music to reach others for Christ. I have recently realized the Lord has blessed me in using my writing to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

There is an urgency in accomplishing this goal. Christ is returning to take his bride home to Heaven.  There are people who need salvation, healing, encouragement, financial, physical, mental, and most especially spiritual.

I want to encourage everyone who reads this article to ask God what he would have you do through the gifts he has given you.


karenrob said...

I think many people operate in their calling without realizing that it is a calling. For instance, my mother used to entertain pastors and missionaries often with meals and invitations to come spend time with our family. She probably never considered that she had the gift of hospitality, but she did.

Shaleen said...

Karen ,my mother was the same way.