Monday, September 10, 2018

Christ's Return

Did you know that the Lord has delayed His return?  As of right now, I'm still working on this subject.  Christ can come back any moment.  Are you feeling an urgency to get things done for Christ?  Is your heart burdened for those who will be left behind?  On social media, I read where one person feels this need to reach as many people for Christ as she can.  And she's right.

More than ever before, we need to be busy telling others about Christ.  We need to examine ourselves and make sure we are right with God.  Time is running out.  Each day is a surprise that we're still here.  My heart becomes more burdened for the world, our nation, our loved ones.  So many are being deceived by Satan. 

They're being told there's plenty of time.  They're being told that Christ's return is a lie.  That there are many ways to Heaven.  Even those who claim to be Christian seem to be falling away.  This was prophesied many years ago in the Bible.  Do you have loved ones who need the Lord?  A lot of people are refusing to listen. 

Christians are being mocked and persecuted in other nations.  And it's coming to the United States of America.  Laws are being passed to prevent pastors, and evangelists from preaching against sin,  Satan is fighting a war against God.  He knows his time is short, so he has to destroy as many as he can while there's time.

But he won't win.  Do you know why?  Because I read the back of the Book, and we win.  I know I keep saying this, and I'm sure you're tired of my repeating it, but Christ is coming back.  The dead in Christ will rise first, then the rest of us will meet Him in the air. 

Get ready to go home children.  He's coming.  We don't have long to wait.

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