Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Unforgettable Day

Tuesday.  September 11, 2001.  A day that will forever remain in the hearts and minds of those living back then.  For 17 years, the same questions are asked over and over:  Where were you? What were you doing? Did you see it?  Did you have loved ones there who died?

Then we hear of the numerous accounts of those, including animals, who rescued others from the burning twin towers.  They were injured, to be disabled for the rest of their lives.  Children lost their parents.  Parents lost their adult children.  Friends, families, neighbors.  Do you know how many people died that day?  Two thousand, nine hundred ninety six people, including the terrorists, died seventeen years ago today. Remember that number: two thousand, nine hundred ninety six.

So many people died that day at the hands of those who hate America.  And yet, millions of people have since been brainwashed to love this group of people.  A group of people who declared war on this great nation of ours.  I'm sure it was the same way the day Pearl Harbor was bombed. And yet, as with Pearl Harbor, a generation of people are being raised who has no clue as to what truly happened when we were attacked seventeen years ago. 

And yes, we should love all people as human beings. We as Christians should love enough that we would pray for a group of people who know nothing about our country, and yet are taught to hate.  But it isn't just in other countries.  We have a group of people in our country who hate. The sad thing is they don't know who or why they hate. 

The question is why would we be so careful as to not offend someone who hates our country. Would you become friends with someone you knew hated you?  And yet, we are commanded to love others.  Not their actions, but their souls.  For you see, Christ even died for them.  He does not wish that anyone go to hell.  He wants everyone to have the opportunity to have eternal life, to know Him as their Savior.

Other than Israel, we live in the greatest country ever.  This country was founded on religious freedom.  This country was built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.  Why is this country so great?  We have freedom of speech, religion, and freedom to carry guns for protection.  BUT, we should NEVER forget what happened seventeen years ago.  Our enemy thought to destroy this country.  But by the grace of God, he gave us another opportunity to return to the God of our nation.

And yet, this nation continues to turn it's back on God.  What happened seventeen years ago was a warning.  And for a little while, we were reunited.  During the last election, Christians as a whole woke up, saw what was about to happen, and got out to vote against those who continue to attempt to overthrow this nation.  We cannot go back to sleep.  We have to keep telling others about Jesus. 

We as a nation need to return to the Holy God of our country. We as a nation need to throw down and destroy the evil gods that have been brought into this country so many people are worshipping.  I ask, I plea with my nation to turn to Jesus Christ, who is the only hope for us.  For He will return for His children, and take us home to live with him forever.  As the song says, it won't be very long.

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