Monday, September 17, 2018

Occupy Till Christ Comes

What does "occupy" mean?  It means to be busy.  So what are we to be busy at?  We all know there are things on a daily basis that need to be done.  But what does the Bible say about occupy?  We're taught in His Word that we as Christians are to occupy until He comes back for His bride.  Now I don't think He was talking about doing everyday things like going to work or cleaning house.  Of course, those things are important. But He was talking about reaching others for Him.

You see, all He has to do is speak the word, and everyone would be saved.  But he gave us what is called "free will".  Adam and Eve had free will.  They were to keep up with the garden, take care of the animals, and other things.  They were told they could eat of every tree in the garden except one.  That was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The Lord didn't set them down in the garden and tell them to do this or that, with no options.

He never intended for any of us to be like robots.  We're allowed to choose to obey or disobey.  We can choose to worship or not worship Him.  We can choose to sin or not sin.  That simple.  But why do so many of us choose to disobey God rather than obey Him.  Because we allow Satan to deceive us.  He places the thoughts in our minds, and we can either allow it to set there or ask the Lord to remove the thought.  Once that thought is there, we have the choice of following through with it as a sin.  It doesn't have to be that way.

The devil is cunning though.  I remember one night when I was little, when I got in bed, I was praying.  The thought came to my mind that I didn't have to pray.  At that time, I didn't know what it meant for an evil thought to come into my mind. And I sure didn't know what it was like for Satan to place a thought in my mind.  I hadn't been saved very long, and I was still a child.  So I prayed and told the Lord, ok, I wouldn't pray.

Then I got up and told my Mother that God told me I didn't have to pray.  She let me know real quick that was the devil telling me that.  Well, not knowing any better, I prayed again and asked God to forgive me, but I thought he told me I didn't have to pray.

That's how sneaky Satan is.  We have to be on our guard all the time.  Not just some of the time. That is one way we are to busy for Him.  And we have to be on our guard.  It doesn't take but a second, if that long, for a thought to enter our minds. We also need to be reading the Bible.  That's God's love letter to us.  In the Bible, there is everything we need to know to be saved, how to live for Him, and how to be busy serving Him and reaching others for Christ.

There are so many who are lost, dying, and going to hell. They need to know how to be saved.  They need to see in our lives the Light that shines through us.  That Light is Jesus Christ.  If you're lost, please give your heart and life to Him.  If you're a Christian, please do what you can to reach the lost, for time is running out.

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