Friday, September 21, 2018

Where Are You Lord?

There are many trials in this cruel world we live in today.  Diseases, hunger, pain.  Financial.  Spiritual.  The Lord never said as Christians we'd have an easy life.  Actually, He said the opposite.  Now, why would anyone want you to follow them, give up everything just to follow them?  Why would anyone say there would be trials along the way?  Most people would tell you how easy it will be.

Not Jesus.  He told his disciples they would be hated for following Him.  So why do we as Christians sometimes go through life as though it will be easy?  As I look around me, so many people are going through so many things.  Sometimes we wonder just where the Lord God is at.

He's right there my friend.  He's holding you in His hands.  He's carrying you through the fire.  Instead of speaking peace to the storm we're in, He's speaking peace to our souls.  He's saying that everything you're currently going through hasn't escaped his attention.  He was in the fire with the Three Hebrew Children.  He was in the lion's den with Daniel.  And he's with you right now, speaking peace. 

Sometimes we feel as though the Lord has left us to fiend for ourselves.  But He's right there.  Your house has burned to the ground.  He's there.  The car has broken down and you're left stranded.  He's there.  There's no money for groceries.  He's there.

Child, He's there.  He's here.  Even when you feel so alone and no one cares, He's there.  Lift
your hands to Heaven and let God pull you up to safety.  He knows what you're going through, and He's there, leading guiding, and carrying you the whole way.  He has people ready and willing to help you.  To show the love of Christ and restore your confidence in true Christians.  No matter what you're going through, He's there.  There is a song called Rest In The Lord. 

The Bible says to rest in the Lord and turn from our wicked ways.
If we'll give Christ control, He will make us whole,
If we'll just rest in the Lord.

Satan makes you doubt that you're saved and loved ones turn you down.
Kneel to God and pray and He'll turn things around.
If you'll just rest in the Lord.

Since I trusted God with my life, the devil has been on my back.
In Heaven there'll be no strife, with God there'll be no lack.
As I rest in the Lord.

Rest in the Lord, rest in the Lord.
Just give Christ control and He will make us whole.
If we'll just rest in the Lord.

Just give Christ control and He'll make us whole.
If we'll just rest in the Lord.

 by Shaleen