Monday, October 29, 2018

Appreciating God's Gifts

What has Christ done for you?  There are plenty of answers, like salvation, protection, guidance, and many more.  But what has he done for you?  Sunshine, rain, seasons, food, shelter, etc.  Think about it.  There are so many things that Christ has done for or given us.

Many times when asked this question, these are things that immediately pop on our minds.  We fail to think about the miracles in our lives.  How Christ has brought us through obstacles, crises in our lives. There are dramatic rescues in natural disasters. He keeps us safe during times of destruction, war, famine.  But on spur of the moment, we say the things that's expected.

There is a story I have heard my Father tell many times.  When I was little, on Easter Sunday, we were at my Aunt's house.  My mother, grandmother, and aunt were in the living room talking.  My older brothers/sister/cousins were outside.  I was about three years old.  Naturally, I decided to explore.  Found a small box of matches.  Struck one.  Went out.  Struck another.  This time, it caught my dress on fire.  I ran into the living room.  My aunt put out the fire, burning her hands in the process.  I was taken to the hospital. Though I have the scars on my body, the Lord touched and healed me.

The part my father always talked about was the fact he went to the bank to borrow some money to pay the hospital bill.  A stranger came up to him.  Somehow, he heard about the incident.  He helped my father get the money needed to pay the bill.

There is a Christian show called It's Supernatural.  This was supernatural.  My family was poor. I'm sure they had no idea as to how the hospital bill would be paid.  So many times in my life, the miracles I experience are less dramatic, but they're miracles all the same. 

As I look back during my life, I see where Christ has performed so many miracles.  Playing the piano is one.  What does that have to do with anything?  I am a dwarf.  I'm unable to reach an octave.  And yet, the Lord uses my hands to play the piano.  I actually sit on the edge of the bench.  Wow!  Yes, it even amazes me.

Sometimes as Christians, we turn a blind eye to what God is doing in our lives.  We just don't see those miracles.  And yet they're there.  Maybe you've never accepted the Lord as your Savior and would like to experience some miracles.  That's easy.  Give your heart and life to Christ.  He won't turn you down. If He hadn't died on the cross and rose from the grave, there'd be no eternal life. 

As the host of It's Supernatural says, now that's "supernatural".

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