Monday, November 5, 2018

Time With God

Time.  Distance.  Space.  We have the same amount of each these.  The world is spinning so fast, out of control.  Technological advances meant to make things easier, to give more time has succeeded in doing the opposite.  We are more busy now than at any time during history.  There are so many events, shows, tools, etc. that supposedly slows us down only makes things faster.

When we read in the New Testament, especially the 4 gospels, we learn of the times when Jesus would go somewhere away from people so He could rest.  Pray.  Spend time alone with His Heavenly Father.  How much more often, more time, we should spend alone communing with God?  We give Him our lives.  Our hearts.  Our desires.  Talents.  Skills, abilities.  But yet we run through a verse or chapter, say a quick prayer, and out the door we go.  Even I am guilty of this.  Not having anything to say recently, I'm convicted of not spending time alone with my Savior. 

While seeing a therapist, I was taught to go to my "happy place" mentally to relax.  Let go of all the things that are stressful.  I have learned when I don't do my devotions, I become increasingly tense, unhappy.  But I'm just the opposite when I take time to read His word, and talk to Him. 

It's difficult when you have children, husband, employer, all pulling in different directions.  But as a writer steals away someplace where it's quiet to put words on paper, so we must make time for God.  Find a place that's quiet and has no interruptions, sit down and talk to God.  Learn from Him.  Then, listen to Him speak to you.  I read some comments one time about prayer and meditation.  Some discussion on what it all meant.  Then this one person spoke up.  Though he didn't profess to be a Christian, he made the most sense.  "Shut up and Listen." 

Short, sweet, and to the point.  Go to a quiet place, read the Word, and "shut up and listen" to the Lord.