Friday, October 19, 2018

Strength In Trying Times

Psalm 55:22  Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Christians know and understand that we'll go through trials in life.  We also know that Christ is with us, even when we feel things cannot get better.  For some reason, we tend to draw closer to the Lord during times of trouble.

For those going through Hurricane Michael, let me assure you that God is with you.  He sees every need.  He knows your heart is broken.  We don't understand why things like this happen.  Why people have to suffer.  We could say it's because it's a part of life.  And that's true.  I for one have never known the answer to this question. 

But for those who are suffering, I want you to know that though the road is long and rough, there is hope.  Christ sees the need and will meet that need.  In the scripture for today, he tells us to throw our burdens on Him.  To throw everything that we are concerned about on Him.

The Lord sees the struggle, pain, suffering.  He is saying right now that everything will all right.  If we'll draw to Him, he will give us the peace we need to go through this horrific storm of rebuilding, recovering.  He'll give us the rest we need.

Continue to strive to help each other.  Continue to look for wisdom from the Lord.  As I try to keep up with the efforts of recovery, I'm amazed at the number of people and organizations who are coming to help rebuild.  It is my prayer that everything will intensify toward the recovery effort.  My prayers are with you. 

I do hope this will be of comfort to each one who are struggling.  God's power is absolutely amazing.  And we haven't seen even a fraction of His awesome power.  May the Lord richly bless you and keep you safe from harm.  May He give you the strength, wisdom, patience, and guidance during this trying time. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

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