Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Stars

When was the last time you looked up at the sky and saw the stars?  Was it difficult with lights on inside/outside the house?  I recently had an eye-opening experience.

As most people are aware, the Florida Panhandle just experienced the worst hurricane in this area's history.  Opal was the last hurricane to make landfall in this area.  Twenty years ago.  The devastation is tremendous.  One town almost

gone, Mexico Beach, where the hurricane made landfall.  My home wasn't damaged, though I have some trees in the yard.

I said all that to say I went to my brother's house for supper Friday.  They were without power but had a generator.  As I walked outside to leave for home, I looked up at the sky. For the first time in years, without any lights on in or outside the house, I was able to see the stars.  It was absolutely wonderful.

It's sad that we get so used to modern technology, flipping a switch to turn on the lights, having the place lit up outside so prowlers will be discouraged.  God created this world.  He created the universe.  And to be able to look up and see the stars, how beautiful they are, how far away these stars are from us.  It's hard to put into words how awesome our God really is. 

He didn't have to create this earth, the universe.  But He did.  Creation is an unspoken testimony of God's love for us.  This year, during the Thanksgiving season, let's remember to thank our Lord for His wonderful, marvelous works. Not just during Thanksgiving, all year long.  If you're unsaved, please give your heart to Christ.  You'll find a new appreciation for God's handiwork.


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