Monday, October 15, 2018

Study The Word

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

I don't know about you, but I'm not very good at studying anything.  Sooner or later, someone will tell me I need to study something.  After 40 years, unless you do this on a regular basis for work, etc., you just don't study anything.  The Bible should be the most important thing for us to study.  Yes, I read the Bible daily.  But there's

a difference between reading over something and actually studying the Word of God.

In this modern age of technology, humanity is getting lazy about reading, whether it be school books, books for pleasure, or the Bible.  Christians are becoming like the world in this area, indeed, a lot of areas.  The devil has Christians believing that it isn't necessary to read God's Word.  After all, who will know the difference?  It really doesn't matter what you start to do, you have to read/study the instruction book.

There are a lot of jokes about not reading the instruction books.  The Bible is God's instruction book for His children.  In it, we learn how to reach others for Christ.  We learn how to live the way our Heavenly Father wants us to live.  And that's the problem.

We take portions of scripture out of context, look at it and think, "oh, it's okay if I don't follow that guideline."  According to style, it's okay to wear whatever we want to wear to Church.  Not so! We can't take scripture and twist it to suit ourselves.  We're not to be conformed to the world.  We're not to be like the world.  We're supposed to be different.  If we don't live godly lives, then how is the world to know that there is a loving God up in Heaven who wants the best for each of us.

He wants us to be able to live with Him and never have to die spiritually.  And yet, so many Christians are following the world standards.  Not only does it make me sad, but it also makes me angry to see those who proclaim to be Christians act and talk according to the world.  Please, let's make a difference in the world.  There is so little time left before Christ comes back to take His bride home with him. 

Please, including myself, let's begin studying the Bible to know how to live and reach others for Christ.  Let's search our hearts and as He convicts us, give our sins to Him.  Lets live in a way that the world will see a difference in our lives, and have a desire to come to know Christ as their own personal Lord and Savior.

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