Friday, October 12, 2018

The Power of God

October 10, 2018.  Hurricane Michael.  Third most powerful storm in history.  The worst to hit the Florida Panhandle.  I've been through hurricanes before, but they always made landfall during the night.  It's rather unnerving being in a storm and not be able to see what is going on.  But hurricane Michael was different.  He made landfall during the day just below category 5. Two more miles per hour, and he would've been category 5.
I stayed with a friend and her family.  We watched how awesome God really is.  I couldn't help but think that God was telling us this was only a fraction of his power.  We really haven't seen anything yet where His power is concerned.  As the rain continued to fall, the wind became stronger as time went on.  We could hear trees snapping.  One particular gust of wind made us run from the porch to inside the house. 
Do you know what was really amazing?  The way the Lord took care of His children.  At my friend's house, a tree fell against the pole barn under which the camper was parked.  After moving the camper forward some, the tree fell the rest of the way, missing the camper.  Then there was a tree out in front of the shed.  The Lord just laid the tree down, away from the house.  If the tree had fallen in any other direction, it would've hit the house or camper.
The day after the storm, the neighbors began cutting trees that were in the road so people could get in and out.  I was eager to find out about my house.  I have trees that are pretty close, and one in particular concerned me.  Just with regular thunderstorms, big limbs would fall on the ground next to the house.  I was praising the Lord when I found out my house was safe. 
When I came home, I learned I did have some large limbs down, and one small tree, which was dead, had fallen.  But it was no where near the house.  As I looked closer to the east side, I noticed a tree just at the edge of the woods, had been uprooted.  Again, the Lord had His hand on my house.  If that tree had fallen toward the house, it would've hit the house.  But again, the Lord just laid it down in the opposite direction.
Ain't God good!  Not only did he keep my house, my friend's house safe, but He showed His power, strength, and love.  He not only took care of his children, but their possessions as well.  There are areas in my hometown that were devastated, but that is nothing compared to Panama City, Fl and Mexico Beach Fl.  So many people lost their homes to the winds and water.  
Please keep all who were affected by this storm in your prayers.  My  prayer is not only will God continue to care for His children, but someone was given the desire to give their hearts and lives to
God.  Those who are working to restore power, phones, and other necessities need our prayers as well.  

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