Monday, October 8, 2018

Rest In The Lord

Psalm 37:7  Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pas

Tired. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. How do you continue through life when you're so tired.  All you want to do is rest.  Your mind is a fog.  You're unable to think clearly. 

I went through that kind of tiredness recently.  And I'm still working through it. There are times when you just don't feel like doing anything, but yet you continue to strive to maintain every area of your life.  Today's scripture tells us to not be upset because of our enemies.  That includes other things as well.  

We look at others, their possessions, life, family.  As we look, we wonder why we aren't like them financially, physically, spiritually; especially if they are walking close to God. We have to search our own hearts. The Lord has everything under control.  He knew us before we were born. That is awesome! The Lord has something better for us, something unique.

When we get upset or worried over concerns, we are failing to trust God completely.  We make it difficult by taking back from God what we gave to Him in the first place.  As the song says, let's strive to "take our burdens to the Lord and leave it there."  

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