Monday, October 1, 2018

The Cross

I have said this before, and I'll say it again.  We're living in the last days.  There is so much sin surrounding us in this world.  So much hatred.  People have been taught that if you don't get your way, then kill everyone, for they were at fault.  No one wants to take responsibility.  Hearts are grieving due those who were shot and killed in Jacksonville, FL.  

My heart is grieved for the those who are going through life with no concern for eternity.  Christ died on the cross so we could have eternal life.  He didn't have to go to the cross.  He could've 

found another way for us to be saved from our sins.  But He chose to go to the cross.  It wasn't easy for Him.  The world as we know it will come to an end.  Then where will you be?

You have two choices.  Heaven, where you will live forever.  Or hell, where you will continue to die forever.  You won't just burn up and that's it.  It will be 24/7/365.  Tormented.  Remembering everything you ever did during your lifetime.  

People aren't turning against Christians.  They're against God.  They hate Christians because Christ shines a light through us, illuminating their sins.  Reminding them of how dirty and filthy their sins are. Violence that doesn't stop.  It didn't have to be this way.  But Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. Nothing in Bible Prophecy has to be fulfilled for Christ to come back to take His children home with him.  

He loves each and every one of us.  He has prepared the best for us in Heaven.  And if this world continues in it's sins, then they won't see what God has prepared for us.  We can't even imagine what it will look like.  The only way to escape wrath is to give your heart and life to Christ.

All you have to do is admit that you're a sinner.  Believe Christ died for you.  And confess your sins to him.  It's that easy.  There are some who feel that God doesn't love them.  That is the furthest thing from the truth.  He loves you and me.  He doesn't want any of us to die and go to hell. But that is what will happen without Christ in your heart.  Come to Him now.  Give Him your heart and life.    

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