Monday, November 12, 2018

Loose Connection?

Have you ever felt as though you had lost touch with God?  That your prayers are just hitting the ceiling?  Your connection with the Lord is gone?  Have we cluttered up our minds with other things to the point of not being able to hear the Lord's voice?  You feel as though God has forgotten you, or has turned a deaf ear to you?

That has happened many times to me.  We have to keep pushing, praying, looking to God for the answers.  There are many different things we allow to stop us from listening to the Lord's voice.  We think about other things, there are health issues on our minds, chores to finish.  For me, it's because I allow myself to daydream.  Or I fail to spend time alone with Christ. Or I just plain don't feel good physically or emotionally.
Letting these things come between us and the Lord isn't a good thing.  Yes there are chores and work.  Family/friends tugging at us for attention.  We continue to have our mind at the office rather than leaving it there.  So you wonder how to close things off so we can sit back and simply worship Him. 
Unfortunately, when we do sit down to study the Bible and pray, we run through it.  Get up and say "there's my devotions.  I can mark that off my to do list."  We should go boldly unto the throne of God, kneel before Him with an humble attitude, and talk to Him.  Thank Him for His blessings in our lives, Ask for guidance throughout the day.  To show us how to serve Him today.  When I was working, and I took time to do my devotions, I would ask the Lord to place someone in my line with a need.  God never failed to lead a customer to my line with a need of some kind.  And there wasn't anyone else behind them.
As I spoke to them, I would learn about a need in their life.  As I finished ringing up their groceries, I would ask if they would like for me to pray with them.  Seldom was I turned down.  I would say a short prayer with them.  Some would come back several days later, letting me know they felt better.
Lets all of us strive to spend more time alone with God so we may draw closer to Him.