Monday, November 19, 2018

An Important Decision

Did you know there may come a time in the future that we'll have to make the most important decision of our lives?  That one day, we may have to decide if we'll serve the Lord or man?  That's what happened in the book of Daniel.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were ordered by the king to bow down to a statue erected by the king and worship it.  They refused to bow and worship a false god.  Their faith was so strong they believed the Lord was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace.  But they also knew

if it weren't God's will to deliver them, they would go to Heaven.  Either way, they weren't about to worship a false god.

So their hands were tied and they were thrown into the furnace.  A little later, the king looked and saw a miracle.  He asked his men how many were thrown into the furnace.  Three men.  The king was seeing four men.  Who was that fourth man?  The Son of God. 

So many times when we go through trials, we fail to remember that Christ is there with us.  He didn't promise to take away our storms in life.  He promised to go through them with us.  Even when we feel as though everyone has left us alone, He's right there with us.  It is the Lord that gives us the strength and courage to continue throughout our troubles.

As you may know, we're living in the last days.  This world is getting more wicked every day.  There is so much evil, crime, violence, deception.  And one day soon, if the Lord delays His return, we'll have to make the same decision as the three Hebrew children.  Indeed, we make this decision every day.  Even when a hurricane like Michael devastates homes, businesses, lives, the Lord is with us.  And we must continue to make the decision to serve the Lord.

Have you decided to serve the Lord, no matter what? Are you living for Him right now?  As a Christian, it is my desire for everyone who will come to know the living Lord and Savior. Are you still living in sin?  Rejecting the Lord's invitation?   Give your heart and life to Christ.  That is one decision you will never regret.