Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Studying Prophecy

Lawrence Grott

For the believer, especially the new believer, the study of prophecy can be very intimidating. There’s a multitude of reasons. These reasons cause us to refrain from jumping in with both feet. Does it seem confusing? Is it fear of ridicule? Perhaps there’s another reason? 
Some tell us we should stay away from the study of prophecy because it’s a distraction and confusing. There are others who openly mock us who study and proclaim the importance of prophecy for today. A pastor once told me several years ago he doesn’t teach biblical prophecy in his church nor sees the importance of it, because it serves no purpose for the present. This pastor is a good man who fears God, but I disagree with him on this issue. 
What’s ironic is the book of the bible that contains the highest ratio of scriptures concerning the prophetic, says the opposite and is the ONLY biblical book with the promise of a special blessing to the reader. What’s even more glaring is: the promise is to the reader, hearer, and keeper of the things written in it. It doesn’t say, “To the one who starts out with UNDERSTANDING. Let’s take a look.
        Revelation 1:3
                Blessed is he who reads and those who                                     hear the words of this prophecy, and keep                                 those things which are written in it; for the                                 time is near. 
Isn’t it important to understand? Of course, but if you don’t take the steps to pursue the study of it, the understanding won’t come. With the study of prophecy, or any other subject scripture teaches on, the Holy Spirit will give you understanding. If you’ve read my other blogs or my book: The Purpose for the Passion, you most likely know what I’m about to say: Through prayer and the study of scripture daily, the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth (John 16:13).
As for those who believe it’s a waste of time or foolish to study prophecy I’ll say this: There are over 300 prophecies concerning the first coming of Christ. His second coming prophecies are more numerous than that. Most importantly, God’s Word disagrees with the individual who says not to study prophecy. What did Jesus tell the religious leaders at His first coming?
John 5:46                                                “For if you believed Moses, you would                                   believe Me; for he wrote about Me.”
Moses was a prophet. He wasn’t just the leader and documenter of the law. Moses gave multiple prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day didn’t pay attention to the prophecies, therefore not recognizing the Messiah in His first coming. Today as we near His second coming, it’s playing out the same way. The bible warns about it. Prior to His return Jesus tells us there will be false Christs leading to the ultimate false Christ (the Antichrist), who will deceive many. 
It will happen for the same reasons He went unrecognized as Messiah the first time. People developed their own opinion on what Messiah was going to be like when He first came because they didn’t believe, ignored, or didn’t know what the scriptures actually said. 
The Book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 speak of the seven churches. Although these seven churches existed during the time John wrote Revelation, they also appeared in the same chronological order characteristically over the last 2000 years in distinct church ages. The first six church ages have come and gone in order and we’re now in the seventh. Today’s church fits the description of the Laodicean Church. If you read Revelation 3:14-22 you can’t escape the fact it describes today’s church perfectly. Laodicea literally means; people’s opinions.  
You can go from Christian to Christian and find different things being believed that are unbiblical. Now, there are reasons for this which we won’t be discussing at this time. I would like to be clear on one point though: If any of us holds fast to a doctrine or teaching contrary to the written Word of God, we are the ones that are wrong, not God. It’s up to us to rightly divide the Word of God and show ourselves approved (2 Timothy 3:15).
I love this quote by Sir Issac Newton. He’s called the father of science. What they don’t tell you is that he was a bible believing Christian who studied his bible daily.    
“About the time of the end, a body of men                         will be raised up who will turn their attention                        to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal                         interpretations, in the midst of much clamor                         and opposition.”
 Sir Issac Newton 1642-1727
If you address Christians concerning beliefs that are contrary to scripture this is exactly what happens. Did Sir Issac just take a wild stab when he said this? No! He knew the bible warns this’ll happen as Christ’s return nears. 
If you’re interested in the study of prophecy, I would like to quickly give a few tools to assist in your studies, and encourage you:
  1. Pray - Prior to studying scripture on any topic ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you understanding. The bible says that wisdom is granted to the one who asks for it.
  2. Daily study – You need to be familiarized with the bible to understand the bible. The more you study the more illumination of scripture you’ll receive.
  3. The whole counsel – study every book of the bible. It’s an interconnected prophetic book cover to cover. 
  4. Focus on Jesus – This may seem obvious, but if you keep asking how this speaks of Jesus as you read and study scripture your knowledge will grow quickly.
  5. Pattern – Jewish thought is pattern driven. The bible’s a Jewish book. When reading the prophets keep in mind all of them wrote for the time they lived, Messiah’s first coming, and Messiah’s second coming.
I pray this is helpful as you search the scriptures for the prophetic. God bless. 
Lawrence Grott 
If you’d like to learn more or get a copy of my book: The Purpose for the Passion, please visit me at:  https://spiritandtruthministries.life