Monday, July 29, 2019

The Watchman

We know what a watchman means.  It is someone who guards a building or person.  We as Christians are watchmen.  It's our duty to warn the people of impending danger. There is a picture which shows people walking toward a cliff with a drop off.  As you look at the picture, people don't stop at the cliff.  They continue on and then drop off the cliff.

Millions of people who have rejected Christ are dying and going to hell for eternity.  Once you get to this cliff, there's no turning back.  And it's up to the Christians to shout the warning.  To tell the world that we as a whole are spinning out of control and headed for the cliff of no return.

But we do have a choice at this moment.  Christ is calling each and everyone of us to turn around and go back to a place of safety.  Those who heed the warning will be saved from eternal damnation.  But those who don't heed the warning will spend eternity in hell.

You are probably thinking that Christians have preached the Word and warned people about the Devil for years. That's true.  But now it is even more essential than ever before.  Christ is coming back to take His children out of this world of sin. For you see, time is shorter than previously.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus gives the signs of the end of the age to His disciples.  We're taught that there will be earthquakes, famine, pestilences, diseases, etc.  These things have been happening for ages.  But they are much more frequent.

Jesus also likened these signs to labor of a woman.  As it reaches time for the baby to be born, the birth pains become stronger and more frequent.  Earthquakes are happening in places where they've not happened.  Volcanoes are erupting.  Hurricanes, tornadoes, are becoming not only more numerous but stronger.  Towns and cities are being flooded. Wildfires are becoming harder to control and burning more land than thought possible.  Diseases that were thought to be erased are coming back more resistant to medicine. The world is on the verge of another world war.  Especially the Middle East.  Israel is hated and in danger of being destroyed by the nations surrounding her.

Christians need to stand up and warn the people. We need to reach others for Christ before it's too late.  It's only a matter of time that Christ will come back to take His children home to be with Him.  If you are saved but not walking as close as you should with the Lord, please take this time to reestablish a goal to spend more time in God's Word.  I myself need a closer walk with Him.

If you're lost and living in sin, give your heart to Christ now.  It's one decision you'll never regret.  If you wait too long, you may never have this opportunity again.  We're not promised our next breath.