Monday, August 5, 2019

Running Out Of Time

Have you ever wondered where God is at during tragedies?  Did you know He hasn't left you alone? He's right there beside you, holding you during your crises.  Maybe after this past weekend, He seems even further away.  That maybe He isn't listening or doesn't care.

Let me assure you, Christ does care what is going on.  He knows every detail.  He knows every hair on you head.  He knows what you're thinking, feeling, your desires, everything.  So when we experience something such as the tragedies this past weekend, we can be sure that God is here in the midst.

So why does he allow such evil to happen? Why are some people killed and others left alive? The Lord gave us the ability to choose either to serve Him or not.  We can accept Him as our Savior, or we can choose to reject Him.

Right now, we are involved in a spiritual battle.  It is a battle that has been going on for centuries.  Our country right now is on the brink of destruction.  The world is on the brink of destruction.  The forces of evil are attacking everyone, everywhere.  Why is our country about to be destroyed?

Because we as a nation have turned our backs on God.  Multitudes are killing our babies while still in the womb.  If a baby survives being born, then they are still in danger of being killed.  They're being slaughtered by their parents, the very ones who are supposed to protect the children.  They're being sold into sex slavery. Our freedoms are being torn away. Christians are being persecuted by the number in other countries.

We are seeing an increasing number of floods, storms, murder, invasion by illegal aliens.  We are bombarded on every hand.  There is so much hatred, filth, violence, and other degrading sins. Televangelists aren't preaching against sin. They're promoting their books, preaching what people want to hear, preaching the prosperity gospel.  They're no longer preaching salvation.  People aren't hearing the Word of God.

We as Christians, including myself, need to fall to our knees and pray for the salvation of our families.  Our military needs prayer of protection.  Our President is fighting on behalf of America and we have got to hold him up in prayer.  We have to get out and vote for godly people who will take a stand against evil.  We need to stand united once again as a country against the evil onslaught we're experiencing.

But all is not lost.  For as long as the Lord delays His return to take His children home, we have the hope of salvation.  Time is running out.  If you are lost, give your heart and life to Christ right now.  For if you wait until the time is right, you may not have that time.  You don't want to die and go to hell.  If you give your heart to Christ now, you'll one day be safe in Heaven.