Tuesday, September 10, 2019

He Will Carry Us

We go through a lot of trials, sorrows, and grieving in this life.  Sometimes we feel that God has left us alone.  But He never leaves us alone.  He's always there with us, holding us, comforting us, leading and guiding.  He gives us peace.  All we have to do is give our sorrows, our questions, our burdens to the Lord.  He will hold them, lift you up, carry you through the valleys.

Years ago, as I taught the junior class in Sunday School, I told them it was easy to give our concerns to the Lord.  And it is easy.  All we have to do is throw them into His arms, and rest. 

The hard part?  We take them back.  When we do this, we're telling the Lord that we don't trust Him to carry the burdens.  We don't trust Him to hold us, to lift us up.  So everytime we take those burdens from the Lord, we must turn around and throw them back to Him.  

There is a verse that tells us "Cast your burdens on the Lord, and He will sustain us."  Wow! He will sustain us.  He will carry, bolster, assist us in our times of heartache.  

I have a relative who is currently going through the mourning process of losing her husband.  I myself had to go through the process of losing my parents years ago.  Each loss brings it's own unique pain, and yet they're the same.  For we have lost our family.  We have many questions and truly need answers.  But we don't always find the answers in this lifetime.  But the Lord will give us the peace and assurance that He is with us, that He is leading us, that He knows and sees all things.  

He is so big, that He holds our world, our galaxy, our universe in His hands, but yet so small that He dwells within our hearts.  If you're going through some kind of pain, trauma, heartache, please give it to the Lord. Lay it down at His feet.  If you're lost and going through these situations, then give your heart and life to Christ.  He will never leave or forsake you.  He'll go through these valleys with you.  He'll carry you when you can no longer walk.  He'll hold you and will not let you sink.