Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the
The dictionary says the earth is the third planet from the sun. It’s also considered in terms of humankind the surface and dry ground.
How did God create the earth? There
was a reason the Lord made the earth and everything/everyone on it. The Lord
either spoke it into existence or laid it there with his hand. Later in the
first chapter of Genesis, he looked at his creation and stated that it was
good. As I look in my mind’s eye, I can imagine the most vibrant colors of the
plants and trees. Some of the trees were created with different kinds of fruit
so humans and animals had something to eat.
When we “create” something, we need
water, tools, dirt, etc. in order to make something. We use the word create
rather loosely. Only the Lord God can create something out of nothing. Thoughts
are placed in the author’s mind to write. He gives to us our talents to be used
for him.
It boggles the mind to think how
something so insignificant could be fashioned out of nothing. Only the Lord can
perform such a miracle. There’s another miracle we often hear about. That’s
salvation. How could one man take on the sins of the world as a perfect
sacrifice? Only Jesus. The earth was created because the Lord loved us. He knew
that one day we would become a sinful race.
Let’s look at the words create,
entity, and foundation. All three mean to build. Foundation is the center. God
is the entity. The Lord is our cornerstone, the center of our hearts. Psalm
102:25 states, “Of old thou hast laid the foundation of the earth: and the
heavens are the work of thy hands.” Physically, the earth isn’t the center of
the universe. Due to the importance of the earth, the Lord created the earth
first, and everything in it. As such, the earth is the center of the universe.
In Nehemiah 9:6 we’re told that “thou,
even thou, art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with
all their host, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas, and all
that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven
worshippeth thee.”
Not only did the Lord create, or
build, the earth, the cornerstone, and everything/everyone in the earth, but he
keeps us safe. He protects us from harm. What god can do that? We may use self
defense methods, or weapons, for protection from harm. But only God can truly
protect us. And not just physically. He alone can protect us physically,
mentally, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. For if we die in our sins,
all is lost. We will burn forever, tormented, with no break. When we give our
hearts to the Lord, he keeps us safe spiritually. Then one day he will take us
home to be with him forever.