Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Sign of the Children

Lawrence Grott

Because it’s such an in depth topic in scripture I wanted to expand on my previous blog. Even with this, a complete picture of understanding isn’t able to be conveyed. The scriptures teach so much concerning children/unborn babies, and causing harm to them, an entire blog series can be written about this that would take us through every book of the bible.

Acts 17:11 (NKJV) These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

Adam and Eve: One of the first things Adam and Eve were instructed to do by God when they’re kicked out of the garden was too, “Go forth and reproduce….” Why was reproduction so high on the list of importance to God? Because He knew before they sinned human reproduction would be a requirement to bring forth a savior that could redeem mankind. Able was the original Godly line from which the Savior would come. Satan was the spirit behind Cain when he slew his brother. Thankfully God always has a plan to outsmart Satan. Adam and Eve then had a son named Seth which means “appointed.” He was literally named the appointed bloodline of Messiah.

Noah:  A few generations prior to Noah we have a man named Jared. In Hebrew his name means “shall come down.” This is when the fallen angels descended and took women unto themselves and had children by them called “Nephilim.” This was done to corrupt human DNA to prevent the untainted bloodline of the Savior from propagating. The bible says that Noah was, “Found perfect in his generations.” A popular way to teach this is that Noah wasn’t sinful and was perfect in obedience to God. There are several scriptures that disprove this thought. So if that’s not what’s meant, then why’s he referred to as “perfect?” It had to do with his DNA. There are some good biblical scholars who believe what this means is Noah’s family’s DNA could’ve been the only one on earth that didn’t get corrupted by the fallen angels (I tend to agree with this view).

Abraham Isaac and Jacob: Is the timeframe when God makes a covenant highlighting several things He promises to Abraham that we see takes shape by the time we get to the twelve sons of Jacob. What I want you to be sensitive to as we start with Adam and go forward, is as God’s plan of redemption unfolds concerning where Messiah will come, Satan’s increasingly able to focus his attack. Between Adam and Noah, Satan tries to corrupt all humanity as we’ve already discussed. Then God shows the Messiah will come through Abraham. Satan now knows the Israelites are the nation from where He comes. Be mindful of the concept of increased focus going forward.

 Moses: As a baby Moses fulfills a major prophetic type for Christ. At this time the Israelites are slaves in Egypt and Satan uses the Egyptians to do his bidding with an order by Pharaoh to execute the male babies. When you read the account you’ll see how God spared Moses and He comes back at eighty years old to lead the people of God to the Promised Land out of bondage as a profile for what Christ does for all mankind.

King Manasseh:  Due to time and length I’ll ask at this juncture you read my prior blog highlighting Manasseh in greater detail.

Jesus: The biblical story that’s probably most well-known in the vein we’re exploring is Jesus as a child when Satan motivated Herod to kill the male babies. Satan was able to focus his attack on the very family the Messiah came from through the passage of time and unveiling of God’s plan of salvation, right to the very family of Jesus.

With Jesus being the prophesied Messiah, we see salvation being made available to all people of every tribe, nation, and tongue. When looking at human history from this perspective it’ll give you a unique picture. Imagine human history being represented as an image of two triangles or cones being laid out horizontally with the points touching (like a bowtie). As the plan of redemption is put into action by God in the beginning, Satan’s attack on it is wide spread and encompasses all humanity, with his focus narrowing as God’s plan unfolds right up to the time of Christ. As Christ fulfills all things, and the Gospel of Salvation goes forth, it starts out narrow in Palestine and expands during the next two thousand years encompassing all of humanity, reversing everything Satan attempted to do throughout the OT period like a mirror image. Jesus is the point of all history where the two triangles/cones meet (the knot of the bowtie).

Modern Society: For the last several hundred years the population of the planet has exploded. For the first time in hundreds of years nations have again been killing children/unborn babies for sixty-five years. In western countries we’ve aborted millions and millions of unborn children. In countries like China they’ve had policy for decades to murder children that’re born alive depending on the sex of the child. Why are we seeing this at a time we’re the most scientifically advanced and know inherently these unborn babies are human lives? 

We can answer that by looking to the past. Every time in history this happened you can know with certainty Satan was behind it. You call also see how this resulted in a manifestation by God that impacted and changed all of human history. With this having reared its ugly head once again we can know that Satan is behind it and God is ready step in to and impact history. We’re living in the time prior to the return of Christ. Throughout history when the babies were targeted it was Satan’s attempt to stop the Messiah. That’s why it’s happening now. Jesus is far closer to his prophesied return than we realize. Satan is trying one last time to stop him from coming.

When you read the Gospels look at the instances Jesus talks about the special place He has in His heart for children. It’s because when children are attacked it’s ultimately and always a personal attack on Him. When the children are the focus of attack God shows up. Children being attacked today are a direct sign Jesus is extremely close to returning. I pray this highlights how close we are to the return of the Lord and we’re prepared as we look and wait for Him. God Bless.

Lawrence Grott

If you’d like to learn more or get a copy of my book: The Purpose for the Passion, please visit me at: