Monday, March 30, 2020

There is Hope

We are living in difficult but exciting times. Times that mark the return of Jesus Christ for his bride. No one has lived in this time frame. Yet we’re here. We have witnessed in two thousand nineteen tremendous earthquakes, war, storms, hatred, violence, and much more. We have a president who has been hated more than any other president in the United States. Why are we seeing these things?
This isn’t a battle between mankind. This is a battle between good and evil. A battle, a war between the devil and the Lord. The devil is the enemy of God, and if he can keep us from worshipping the Lord, then he is willing to do everything within his power to stop us. We must hold fast to the hand of God.

We are living in what is known as the End Times. The greatest battle is in preparation for the final war. We must be ready to meet the Lord in the air. Even now, our nation is fighting for her life. One of the signs that we are living during the End Times is the different pestilences on the earth. There have always been illnesses and diseases. Currently, there is a pandemic in America.  It’s called the Coronavirus.

It is deadly and frightening. We’ve not been here before. Yes, there have been plagues within history. We’ve seen them before over the years. But the Lord is trying to get our attention. With modern technology growing at a rapid pace, we have become so fascinated at it. Even I have a problem with being on the internet so much. Not only do we drown out our families, but we have turned a deaf ear to the Lord. Modern technology has become one of our idols.

During Biblical times, ancient Israel adopted the idols of the surrounding countries and began to worship them. We have done the same thing in America. We are sacrificing our unborn babies to the devil. We’re terrorizing our children that continue to live. We’re teaching them to kill, hate, and destroy and disrespect others. Yet we ask why our children are doing these things. Because we as adults have taught them to be this way.

But there is hope. The hope is in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without him, we don’t stand a chance. He’s our perfect sacrifice. Nothing is a surprise to him. He knows everything. He knew about this devastating virus that has killed so many people. We don’t know who will get the virus next. But if we do as recommended by the governmental guidelines, maybe we won’t be next to get this deadly virus.

But let’s be sure that we’re ready to meet our Lord and Savior. Let’s give our hearts and lives to him. Then, if we should lose our lives, we’ll be in heaven with our Heavenly Father.