Monday, April 6, 2020

What Are We Afraid Of?

You may wonder why we as a nation, the world, are dealing with this virus. Some people try to guess at conspiracies. There are those who believe it’s a biological weapon by some nation. However the virus was launched, the Lord knew how, when, and why it would happen. I would like to put forth some ideas as to what I think about the virus.

First, it’s here. We are dealing with a terrifying pandemic that has killed thousands of people. And millions have been sick with it and recovered. I admit it can be scary. Who wouldn’t be afraid of something like this that kills? And yet there have been epidemics and pandemics throughout history. 

Smallpox killed many people when it first came into existence in history. Now, we have a vaccine for it, though it continues to strike people each year. The flu at one time was an epidemic, and still kills people each year. But this is somewhat different.

Though scientists are rushing to find medication that will kill the virus, and are trying to find a vaccine, there is a reason that it is different. For one thing, we know nothing about this deadly disease. Some think it travels through breathing, sneezing, and coughing. I read where some think it can be linked to obesity. Some think it is caused by some animal or manufactured by a nation. 

It really doesn’t matter how it came into existence. What matters is that we all follow the guidelines put forth by the government. Though there are some in the government who want to take advantage of the situation and use it to take away our rights, that isn’t the issue. The issue is whether or not we are saved through the blood of Jesus. If we are right with God, then if we should die from this virus, cancer, or some other disease, we’ll be with the Lord for eternity.

My other thought is the time in which we’re living. This is called the end times. A time when the Lord will begin to pour out his wrath on the world. There are so many earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, which have become so much stronger in recent years. And these are happening all at once.  That’s because the Lord is getting ready to take his children to heaven and away from all this destruction. That is called the Rapture.

No the word rapture is not in the Bible, but it is taught. Once the rapture takes place, the destruction will be so much worse. What we are going through now is known as the birth pains in the Bible. But there still is no reason to be afraid, as the Lord will keep his children safe. Of course anyone would be concerned. I am concerned. He is merciful. Though we sometimes wonder how we can as a world continue on, the Lord is waiting for as many as will to come to him for salvation. You don’t have to go to hell, where there will be continuous torture forever. Give your heart to Christ before it’s too late. You’ll never regret this decision.