Friday, April 10, 2020

End Times

For weeks now we have heard about this terrible disease called Coronavirus. There are many theories on websites and social media. Is this part of the end times prophecy? Are we closer to the return of our Lord and Savior? Are we going through the Great Tribulation? I do not have all the answers. I can only tell what I believe. 

First, we are going through what is called the End Times. The Lord’s wrath is being poured out upon this earth. There are volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, among many other disasters. There are swarms of locusts in parts of the world. There is terrorism, wars, famines, and many others things that cannot be discussed in one post. It is not my desire to play on people’s minds and cause you to become fearful. To be honest, if the Lord and Savior reigns in your heart, there is no need to be fearful. For one day we will be taken out this world to live eternally with the Lord.

What I do know is that we are closer to the Lord’s return than ever before. But you ask why he doesn’t come now and take us out of all the turmoil that is going on. That is because he is a loving and merciful God. It is his desire that we have peace on this earth. When he created this earth, it was beautiful. He created the animals, plants, trees, food, and humans. He wanted us to choose to worship him. To want to be with him. And to serve him. So why do we have all this chaos?

Because man chose to disobey the Lord in the Garden of Eden. When that happened, Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden. Pain and suffering thus became an obstacle. Women began to give birth with pain. Humans now had to struggle for food. The devil knew what it would take for Adam and Eve to sin. He placed doubt in Eve’s mind as what God really commanded them regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She fell for it. Ever since, we have continued to fall for Satan’s deceptions.

Let’s as Christians strive to reach lost souls for Christ. There is very little time left before he comes back to take us to heaven. If you are lost, all you have to do is confess your sins to him and ask his forgiveness. Then serve him for the rest of your life. Then you’ll not fear this virus or what may take place between now the rapture.