Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Persecution of Christians

Recently, I read where a Christian organization was providing medical assistance to those battling the Coronavirus. This organization was badgered due to being a Christian organization. It’s mind boggling to think in this day and age that those who follow Christ are being persecuted for doing good.

Yet this has been the norm throughout the ages. Jesus was harassed because he dared call himself Lord. It was unimaginable to think this man would make himself equal with God. He was and is the Son of God. 

Why should it matter whether or not an organization is Christian when out of the goodness of their hearts, they’re trying to give relief of a devastating disease. A plague. Millions are dying from this disease. Thousands alone in the United State have died, and even more are becoming sick with the virus. 

Would these people be more willing to accept the assistance, food, and medication if it were from an organization which didn’t profess to be Christian? For me, if someone, regardless if their doctrine, offered to help me in time of need, I would be most appreciative of the aid. If you are dying, why would you reject the helping hand? 

This organization didn’t have to spend needed money to help these patients. They don’t have to pay their medical staff to leave their homes and families, put themselves in harm’s way, just to enable the city’s hospitals to give the medicine necessary to help these victims of the Coronavirus. It isn’t necessary to move the equipment, both medical and non-medical from state to state. But they do this not only because of their love for others but also for their belief in Christ.

The Lord has commanded each of us to go out and preach the gospel. To help those in need. Christ showed us this by setting the example. Yes he came to save us from our sins. But he also came to show the love of God. But he also was rejected by the establishment. 

The Apostles were rejected and persecuted for spreading the Word of God. They were thrown in jail, beaten, stoned, and left for dead. And yet, they continued to obey Christ’s commandment to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”. 

Personally, the administrator of this organization has a lot more boldness and courage to go not only into the states in America, but all over the world, to help those in need. Do we have that kind of courage? Are we willing to suffer persecution to spread the Gospel? 

It is my prayer that each one who is suffering from this plague will be healed quickly. That those who are on the front lines will be given the supernatural strength and courage from the Lord to work to provide healing and comfort to others. I pray that Franklin Graham will be rewarded in Heaven for his desire to serve the Lord, and work to spread the Gospel. 

If you feel the call of God to help those in need, to witness to others, please not only accept the call but follow through in obedience to the Lord. If you’re lost, please accept him into your heart and life right now. For we’re not promised the next breath. If you’re not as close to God as you could be, begin right now to spend time alone with God.