Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rapture at the Door

As you may know, our country is in a mess. There is so much going on, not just in this country, but the whole world. It seems that everything is turned upside down. What is right is now considered wrong. And what is wrong is considered right. It was predicted in the Bible that people would love darkness more than the light. 

This country has been blessed more than any other country. We have been a friend to Israel. Our standard of living has always been high. But we have failed the Lord miserably. And now we're reaping the harvest we have sown.

It's heartbreaking to watch your country dissolve into something unrecognizable. There's chaos, violence, pain, suffering, division, and everything that is evil. We are being told that we must approve of sin. That we must agree that it's ok to be gay, to kill, and destroy. And if we don't agree with these abominations, then we are persecuted.

We as Christians know that Christ is about to return for his bride. It's 
right around the corner. It won't be long before the tribulation will begin. We are on the very edge. Israel is surrounded by her enemies. Countries are going cashless, which is imminent during the tribulation. 

We must fight to win the lost to Christ. We must spread the Word of God. We must speak the truth. We must beg people to turn their hearts and lives to Christ. Please understand that if you don't give your heart and life to Christ now, you'll be left behind. And trust me, you don't want to be left behind. Because what we're going through now is nothing compared to what will happen during the tribulation.

Are you ready to meet the Lord? Is your heart right with God? Please pray and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. Trust him as your Savior. Believe he is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He died on the cross and rose from the grave so we could have the free gift of salvation. Confess your sins to him. If like me, you need a closer walk with the Lord, come to him and ask him to help you. He hasn't left you. He's there with arms open wide, waiting for you to come to him.

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