Friday, September 18, 2020

America on Fire


Do you sense a difference in our country? Most everyone who at least reads or hear the headlines know there is many things going on our world. There are wildfires burning in at least ten different states, but the worst ones which we hear about are in California and Oregon. Whether they were started by arsonists, campfires, or nature, the fires are burning out of control. The first responders are tired and hungry. They miss their families. Those who live in the areas are losing their homes to these fires. Everything they have worked for are being destroyed by the fires. And even animals are being rescued, with some having been burnt. They also are in pain.  
There are several tropical storms either forming or have formed in the Atlantic. Hurricane Laura hit recently between Mississippi and Louisiana. Towns are having to recover. This week Hurricane Sally made landfall between Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. Again, residents are having to rebuild. Several town have flooded. Rioting and chaos are also within the mix. Right has become wrong. Evil has become good. Churches are being persecuted in the United States. Our rights are being abolished by the radical left. 

And in the middle of all this chaos and violence is a revival happening in parts of the country. In less than two months, our country will vote on a President for the nation. There is tremendous controversy regarding the election. Our constitution and rights are being torn apart. There has been so much hatred toward our President. And he is fighting so hard because he loves this country. He has taken on so much abuse from enemies of our country.  So what is this election about?

It's about the spiritual condition of our country. Everything hinges on this election. For if we make the wrong choice, we as Christians will see unprecedented persecution here in America. We have been blessed to not experience the level of persecution that other countries have felt. We must as Christians vote right.

There is a reason for all this. We're living during the last days. Christ is ready to burst onto the scene and take his children out of all this. If you're not serving the Lord, you will be left behind. And the tribulation will be far more worse than what we're seeing now. Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, all you have to do is confess your sins to Jesus, ask him to forgive you and cleanse you from all sin. And believe that he has saved you from your sins.

If you are a Christian and not living right, you too can experience new life by turning back to God. He loves us, and it isn't his will that any die and go to hell. He died on the cross and rose from the grave so we could have eternal life. Won't you come to him before it's too late? 

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