Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Choose Who You Will Serve

There's something in the air. What is it? There are so many voices, so many actions going on. Chaos around the world. And even here in the United States, there is so much evil going on. We're facing a turning point in our country. We must choose not only carefully, but prayerfully as well.

Next Tuesday we will go to the polls to vote. We will either vote to continue as a Christian nation, or we'll vote to go the way of evil. It isn't a matter that maybe you like President Trump over Joe Biden. It isn't a matter of their age. It's a matter of choosing good over evil. You see, we're in a spiritual battle that depends on us. No we can't do anything ourselves. But we must listen to the Lord. 

Many years ago, the nation Israel went through a similar battle. They had to make the choice of either serving God, or serving Satan. We all must make that choice in our lives. For one day, we will live forever either in Heaven or Hell. 

We are at a crossroads. We must decide if we wish to retain our freedoms, or become a socialist country. As a free nation, we'll continue to be able to speak our minds and opinions freely. We can say what we think without being censored. We'll be able to continue to go where we wish. Read what we want. Buy guns to use to hunt game for food and protect ourselves, families, and possessions.

We'll be able to freely worship our Lord and Savior. Already, there are places in America where Christians are told they can't meet publicly to worship. Once at Church, they can't sing praises to the King of kings and Lord of lords. We're not allowed to hug each other for fear of catching Covid. The governor of one state has said that they can't have more than a certain number of people for Thanksgiving. They have to follow protocol because of Covid. And other rules are included.

Do you want someone to tell you what you can or can't do? Do you want to be told where you can or can't go? How many people you can allow in your home? What if you wanted to have a birthday party for your child? Will you follow protocol? Will you give up your weapons and let some thugs come in and destroy your home? Do you want to go to jail simply because you chose to not wear a mask? 

Think very carefully. Because the decision you make during this election will determine what kind country you will continue to live. It's a matter of freedom. If you vote for one, you'll lose your freedoms. If you vote for the other, you'll continue to be free to do what you want within reason. I can't tell anyone who to vote for. I know who I have already voted for. And I chose freedom. 

The Lord Jesus is coming back to take his bride home with him. Where we can worship and praise him for eternity. You may not get that chance tomorrow, or next week. We have been given a warning. Turn to him right now before it's too late. Seek to draw closer to him. For Jesus is the only one who can save you. And he's the only one who knows the future. Choose now who you will serve.

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