Monday, November 16, 2020

Obeying the Will of God

Has God called you into the ministry? Is there something he wants you to do? Do you know what it is that he wants you to do? Are you willing to obey him, no matter what? Have you ever disobeyed his will for your life?

I have. And I feel so guilty. But all we have to do is come to him and ask forgiveness. Then go and obey him. Sounds simple, doesn't it. It is simple, but we make it hard. Let's look at it a minute.
First, most of the time when we say that we have been called into the ministry, we think in terms of preachers. They are called to minister to a local Church or onto the mission field, whether at home or in a foreign country.

We have all been called into a ministry of some sort. Once we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are called to spread the Word to others. We're not necessarily to preach like our Pastors. But we each have a gift to use for the Lord.

To use myself as an example, the Lord gave me the gift of music. He called me to play the piano for Church. Like the men with the talents, we're to increase the amount of gifts or talents he has given us. So not only am I to play for Church, but sing specials as well. That might lead into writing songs, recording, etc.

There is also the gift of words, or writing. There are many more avenues involved in writing as well. There are writers who start out writing and later become publishers, editors, as well as coaches to new writers. 

You see, each of us has a ministry through our gifts and talents. But we must use them for the Lord. There is a warning. If we refuse to obey him in using our gifts, he will give those gifts to someone who will use them for his glory, honor, and praise. This is something we must be careful about. 

The Lord will deal with us regarding our obedience to him. He has really been working on me about writing. The Lord has given you a gift, and if you're a Christian but not using your gift, it's time to get up and start working for the Lord. If you're not a Christian, give your heart and life to God now. Then begin using the gift he has given you.

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