Monday, January 11, 2021

The Calm Before The Storm

 This year has started off as a continuation of last year. As many of you know, there are some issues with the presidential election. Our country has fallen. Or so it seems. How do we deal with this? What are we supposed to do?

First of all, we must stay in the Word of God. And pray like we have never prayed before. The Bible teaches that society will become worse than ever before. We are seeing Bible prophecy coming true in front or our eyes. Actually, we're living during the end times. We're on the threshold of the great tribulation.

What we're seeing now is nothing compared to how things will be during the tribulation. As a Christian, we're taught to not be fearful chaos and violence. But being human, we sometimes fail at that. Some well-meaning Christians who are much stronger tend to chide us about being fearful. Right now, more than ever before, we need the Lord's comfort, peace, and courage. This is the time of decision. We have to make a choice; heaven or hell; Christ or Satan.

I don't know what will happen in the next couple of weeks. But we must be sure to ask for wisdom and guidance from our Lord. It's hard when you don't know who to trust with the news media. Everyone seems to think they know what will happen. A friend on Facebook said he was gonna get his popcorn, sit back and watch the movie.

And it does seem like we're watching a movie playing before our very eyes. In less than a week, we have seen our government taken over by the minions of Satan. And I'm not afraid to say that it's scary to see our government in such upheaval. We no longer know who to believe.

Let me assure you that the Lord knows everything that is happening right now. It won't be long folks before he comes back to take us home to be with him. What we're seeing is something you would expect to see in some third world country. 

America has sinned against God. He gave us four years to change and get our acts together. We have failed. The Lord is lifting his hand of protection from this country.

People, if you're not saved, please give your heart and life to Christ right now. All you have to do is admit you're a sinner. Believe the Christ was born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the grave, and ascended up into heaven. Then confess your sins to him and ask him to save you from your isns.

You really don't want to be left behind in this world. You think things are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet. The tribulation will be ten times worse. And you will have to make a choice between Christ and Satan. Believe me, if you get right with God now, you won't have to go through the danger during the tribulation.

If you have been just doing what is needed to get by or you aren't as strong a Christian as you should be, then ask Jesus to help you grow stronger. For the only hope today in this chaos is Jesus Christ.

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