Monday, March 21, 2022

The Call of God

You applied for the job. Attended the interview. You feel good about the prospect of being selected for the job. You finally get the call. You will start working the next week. After a few days, you receive the work assignment you've been waiting for.

As Christians, we're called by Christ to do something for his kingdom. He has given you certain skills and abilities and a desire to work within a vocation. Some people are called to be pastors, missionaries, doctors, and even writers.

But have you ever stopped doing what the Lord called you to do? I have, and it isn't fun. There's the knowing that you're disobeying him. Knowing the conviction on your heart. You not only feel the stress, but also the anxiety, depression, not knowing his presence in your life. It's terrible.

There was a time when I would read the Bible ALL the time. It had always been my heart's desire to serve him. To do whatever he had called me to do. But I stopped reading the Bible, stopped spending time alone with the Lord. 

I had gotten to the point I couldn't rest at night. It was a struggle to get up each morning. Each time I prayed, I was asking for forgiveness to my disobedience, for not doing my devotions. 

Then last Saturday night I became afraid. The fear wasn't about anything or anyone in particular. I was having an anxiety attack. I contacted the ladies at my Church and asked them to pray. As I got ready for bed, a peace came over me.

Then yesterday, during the song service, as I played, I began to feel the Lord in my music. When that happens, I use musical techniques I'm unable to use on a regular basis. Then during the sermon, the Preacher said to do whatever it is the Lord has called you to do.

Once again, the Lord was speaking directly to me. I knew I had to not only get back into singing specials at Church but begin wiring again. 

Has the Lord called you into a particular profession? Are you obeying the Lord's command? If like me and you're disobeying the Lord, please ask his forgiveness. Obey him and do what he has called you to do? Do you have special skills/abilities but not saved? Then give your heart to the Lord. Accept his forgiveness. Then do what he has called you to do.

1 comment:

Claire O'Sullivan said...

ah yes. My prayer life, devotionals have to be meaningful *and active* or I become like the Pharisee at the wall thankful he wasn't like the sinner next to him.

I had a host of prayers and realized they were rote after a time. But so then I kept reading but stopped praying.

that affects my normal (haha writers are soooo normal) and I hadn't a clue to what I was doing.