Monday, August 29, 2022

Accountability to Christ


    The other day I talked with my pastor about a post on social media. It was written by a pastor I recently friended on the media. The post was about accountability being the most important thing for a pastor who's preaching the Word of God. I learned that this includes every Christian who is called of God into a ministry. Whether it be music, writing, hospitality, etc.  

    I always knew when we meet Christ in Heaven, we would have to give an account of what we have done or didn't do on earth. But it didn't occur to me it also meant in our ministry as well. We are all given a gift from God to use to spread His Word. Some are given multiple gifts. A scripture in the New Testament teaches us to strive to learn new things for the Lord. There are many gifts listed in the Bible.    

    I have said for several years that God called me to become a writer. I learned this somewhat late in life. But since the pandemic, I have struggled and ran from God regarding this matter. I have asked forgiveness so many times. Repented so many times. And yet I allowed the devil to have control over my thought life. To allow him victory in my life.

    The Lord has been good to me and has blessed me in so many ways during my life. But I continued to refuse to read the Bible. There was a time when the Word of God was dear to me. When I was so close to my Heavenly Father. When I would feel the Holy Spirit so strong in my life.

    Dear children please don't give in to the devil. Don't compromise your faith in Christ. All of us will be held accountable for our actions in the future. We'll be held accountable for the way we vote, talk, walk, attend or not attend Church. Everyone will be held accountable for every word and deed.

    Look into your heart and ask the Lord to reveal anything in your heart and life that is sinful and displeasing to him. Submit everything to him.

    If you are lost, give your heart to Jesus right now. Christ is coming back, and time is short. Trust me, you don't want to be left behind.

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