Monday, September 26, 2022





As you may be aware, microchips have been used for a number of years, especially dogs and cats. These chips are implanted into your pet for the purpose of tracking them. That seems like a harsh word.

     Let's put it another way. The chip in your pet's skin has their name, address, phone number, medical records, etc. It also has your name as the owner of the pet. That doesn't sound too bad, does it? After all, if your pet were to be lost and the chip was scanned, the authorities would immediately know how to contact you so you can get your pet. Sounds like a good idea, right?

     Not so fast. For I have always believed that people during the tribulation would have something similar placed in their hands. Are you following me? This chip placed under the skin of animals is a precursor to the mark of the beast.

     No one really knows how the people will get the mark. Or what information it will hold. And there are many theories about this. Recently, I saw a picture of the bar code placed on top of the middle finger. Some people think they will get the mark without their knowledge. Let's clarify some things.

     The Bible teaches that the mark of the beast will be placed in the right hand or the forehead. If for some reason you don't have your right hand, then the mark will be placed in your forehead. There are people who, for whatever reason, has their hands amputated due to some horrifying disease. And there are those who are born without arms. If these persons were to take the mark of the beast during the tribulation, then it would have to be placed in their forehead. Now, if someone does have their hands, then the chip would be placed in their right hand.

     Remember the information on the chip in your pet's skin? Bingo. All your information will be on that little chip in your hand or forehand. That means your name, address, phone number, medical records, driver's license, etc. Everything. 

     Not only that, but we're being conditioned right now to believe that there's nothing wrong with having a little chip under our skin. After all, we wouldn't have to keep up with our credit cards, insurance cards, financial cards, among other things. Sounds like a good plan, right?

     For years, I have read or heard of companies doing experiments with these chips. After all, they have to be sure that it works. There'll be a call for volunteers to accept the chip. Now it doesn't have the actual mark inside that little chip. It is however ready to be programmed. 

     One problem. This little plan will only take place after the rapture, when Christ takes us home to heaven. Then those who are left behind will be faced with this decision. Hold on. Why would you want to be left behind to face such terror and chaos? This is only my opinion. I can tell you this.

     Several months before I stopped working at Wal Mart, a machine was brought into the store and placed in the cash office. Guess what this machine was for? It was designed to recognize a person's handprint. When the cashiers were finished for the day, they were to take their cash drawers to the machine, let it scan their hand, then place the money in the slot to be counted. I was told of one cashier who left Wal Mart for this reason. The supervisors decided to perform this duty for the cashiers. 

     Is this the mark of the beast? No. It is definitely though a precursor designed to condition us to accept the mark of the beast. 

     Now I have this thing regarding electronics. I think they are absolutely fascinating. There's nothing wrong with that. And I love my cell phone. I'm on it all the time. And love being on the computer. But we are being reminded that modern technology has gone way past the future.

     Every so often, I hear that we are being tracked by our cell phones. And the smart TVs. Several years ago, around the time of the election, when someone was killed by a police officer, those with smart TVs mentioned that the last words the victim said, "I can't breathe" flashed on the TV screen without any assistance. Doesn't that sound scary?

     We need to be right with God. You don't want to go through the tribulation. For that is when God will pour out his wrath onto the earth. Will you have the opportunity to be saved during that time? There'll be so much violence and chaos. It won't be so easy to buy something to eat. You think the prices are high now, you really don't want to know what it'll be like after the rapture.

     Please give your heart and life to Christ now, before it's too late. All you have to do is believe that he is the Son of God. That he died on the cross and rose from the grave. He ascended up into heaven and sits at the right hand of our heavenly Father. Repent of your sins and ask him to forgive you of those sins. 

     If you're not walking as close to God as you once were, please renew your faith in him. Begin to read the Bible, go to Church and spend time alone with Christ. He won't turn you away.

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